Me & My Body; a living amends

It’s all about the body.
I’ve disconnected from Her.
In order to be seen in this world I’ve needed to live from the head,
neck up.
Women have been told the body wasn’t important, and others were told to use Her as a means of survival.

But our deepest wisdom lies within Her.
And when we are connected to our deepest wisdom, it provokes fear in the current powers.

The body is in need of nurturing.
Move the body with care.
Move Her in the ways She wants. With freedom.
Not to “fix” Her, She is not broken.
She has been neglected and scapegoated.
We’ve learned to “take care” of Her by the unbalanced Masculine Energy of the world,
which anchors in control, anger and fear.

We need to take care of the body like She’s our most precious asset,
like a creative source of abundance, joy and freedom. Precious. Gentle.

Repairing this relationship takes time.
I need to make amends.
My body has not betrayed me, failed me,  or is the root cause of my suffering.

This is an invitation to stop blaming ourselves and our bodies, and put the responsibility where it belongs - our culture. This culture sees our bodies as fragmented pieces and as something to commodify.

It hasn’t always been like this, there was a time when the Woman's body was deeply cherished and revered. Supported and loved.

It’s time to heal, reclaim and mend our relationship to our bodies. To really see that this beautiful vessel has been on our side the whole time. To know that She has always been working in our favour - She is not the enemy, She’s our ally.

Through the reconnection process there will be grief. It’s natural.
When we re-awaken a part of us, the True essence of who we are - a part that has been told it's unworthy, been abused, disrespected, devalued  and ultimately dehumanized, there’s going to be feelings to feel.

Can we honour them? Give them space, they are sacred. Feelings are cues and signals of our needs. Our feelings are valid and valuable.

"How do we go through this reclaiming and reconnecting to ourselves? We need to find our Circle of love and support, other women traveling the road. We can’t do it alone."

By Rebecca Campbell

This amends is not another task to get done driven by the same energy of being hard on ourselves.  That’s the old way of conditioning.  We can adopt a slower, gentle way. And we can do it together.

We commit to this because it changes us and restores us to how we’re meant to be living, in a loving relationship with Ourselves and Our Body.

Life is very different with roots planted in Self-Love and Acceptance.  Magical, you might say. Full of possibilities, connection, strength, overcoming, knowing and JOY!

PS- A little secret…we’re never really disconnected from ourselves or our bodies, it just feels this way.  The relationship has been compromised, and needs healing.


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